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niedziela, 15 stycznia 2006
Prof. dr Urszula Borkowska

Curriculum vitae
Born on 11 August 1935 in Gdynia, Poland.
1964 - Master of Arts at the Catholic University of Lublin
1976 - doctor dissertation written under the supervision of Professor Aleksander Gieysztor, reviewed by prof. Bronisław Geremek, Henryk Samsonowicz and Jerzy Kłoczowski
1988 - habilitation at the Catholic University of Lublin ( the book reviewed by prof. Aleksander Gieysztor, Jerzy Kłoczowski  and Maria Bogucka)
since 1968 - academic teacher at the Catholic University of Lublin
since 1990 I act as the Head of the Chair for Methodology and Auxiliary Sciences of History
I manage the seminar, at which more then 50 persons have already completed their MA dissertations and passed MA examinations. Six MA dissertation written at my seminar were granted the Professor Stanisław Herbst Reward  in the all-Polish Competition.
Since 1993 I have managed the doctoral seminar, which has been attended by 20 students. Three of them have already finished their doctoral studies with very good results.
During my work at the Catholic University of Lublin I attended and delivered papers at the numerous conferences of historians:
in the conferences organised by Commisssion International d’Histoire Ecclesiastique Comparee (CIHEC) in 1976 (Oxford), 1979 (Warsaw), 1981 (Durham), 1983 (Strasbourg)
- in 1978 in the session Religion populaire in Paris
- in Polish-Italian symposiums - in 1977 (Venice), 1981 (Rome), 1984 (Gazzada)
- in 1986 I took part in the conference, organised by Ecole Francaise de Rome on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Christianisation of Lithuania . In the same year  I participated in and co-organised the Polish-British conference on Churches and Nations, which was held in Cambridge.
As a member of the British Ecclesiastical History Society, I attended several summer sessions organised by this Society, among others in 1980 (Salisbury), 1983 (Cardiff), 1987 (Dublin), 1994 (Nottingham), 1995 (Norwich).
In 1994 I taught the students from the Medieval Studies Department of the Central European University in Budapest.
In 1994 I organised, in co-operation with the Institute of East Central Europe in Lublin , the international  seminar on the universal and regional ideas in the historiography of East Central Europe in the Middle Ages and early Modern Times.
I organised also:
in September 1996 in Lublin a Congress of Commission International d’Histoire Ecclesiastique Comparée  acting as its secretary general which  was attended by circa 450 historians from East and West
in  September 2002 also in Lublin, in collaboration with Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas (Leipzig), an international conference The Culture of the Jagiellonian and the Related Courts
In 2001 I got a grant in  the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton where I spent half a year.
I am a member of the Scientific Society of the Catholic University of Lublin, Polish Historical Society, British Ecclesiastical History Society Association Centre Europeen des Recherches sur les Congregations Religieuses et Ordres Monastiques. For 4 years , I have been playing the function of secretary of the Polish Commission of CIHEC at the Polish Academy of Sciences, where I was also appointed a member of the Commission for History of Polish-Bohemian Relations, and the Commission for History of Culture.
I am in charge of the co-operation of History Department (C.U.of L) with the editors of Revue d’Histoire Ecclesiastique (Belgium) and Dictionaire d’Histoire et Geographie Ecclesiastique (Belgium-France)
Bibliography (a choice from ca 200 academic papers, articles and books)
An Outline of History of Poland, Lublin 1981 (in English)
Treści ideowe w dziełach Jana Długosza. Kościół i świat poza Kościołem (Ideology of John Długosz’s Writings : Ecclesia and the World extra Ecclesiam), Lublin 1983
Aniela Merici. Pisma. Wstęp, opracowanie, tłumaczenie, [Aniela Merici (ca.1470- 1535), Writings. Translation from  Italian.] Introduction. Edition,  Lublin 1992
Królewskie modlitewniki. Studia z kultury religijnej epoki Jagiellonów (XV i pocz. XVI wieku) [The Royal Prayer Books. A Study of the Religious Culture of the Jagiellonian Period (the 15th and the 16th centuries)], Lublin 1988 first edition, 1999 second edition.

Kult liturgiczny św.Urszuli w Polsce do XVI w. (The Liturgical Cult of Saint Ursula in Poland down to the end of the 16th century), Roczniki humanistyczne KUL 14:1966, pp. 109-198
The Polish Church in the Writings of John Długosz, in : The Christian Community of Medieval Poland, ed.J.Kłoczowski, Wrocław 1981
The Ideology of „antemurale” in the sphere of Slavic Culture (13th- 17th centuries), in: The Common Christian Roots of the European Nations. An International Colloquium in the Vatican, vol.2, Florence 1982, pp.1206-1221
 Jasna Góra w pobożnosci królów polskich,  Jasna Góra in  Częstochowa and the Polish Kings), Studia  Claromontana 4:1983, p. 126-146
Historiograficzne poglądy Jana Długosza ( John Długosz’s as a Historiographer), in : Dlugossiana. Studia historyczne w 500lecie śmierci  Jana Długosza, cz., Kraków 1984, p.45-71
The funeral Ceremonies of the Polish Kings from 14th to 18th centuries, - Journal of Ecclesiastical History 36 (1985), pp.513-534
Models of Bishops in the 15th century Vitae Episcoporum Poloniae by John Długosz, in : Miscellanea Historiae ecclesiasticae, vol. 8, Bruxelles 1987, p. 148-158
La culture religieuse des Jagiellons polonais, in : L’Eglise et le peuple chretien dans les pays de l’Europe du Centre-Est et du Nord (XIVe-XVe siecles), Rome 1990, pp 249-265
Królewna Jadwiga i jej książeczka do spowiedzi (Princess Hedwig (1513-1570) and her Book of Confession), - Roczniki Humanistyczne KUL 35:1987 (ed.1990), p.85-101
Miłosierdzie królewskie (Royal Mercy), in: Kultura średniowieczna i staropolska. Studia ofiarowane Aleksandrowi Gieysztorowi w 50cio lecie pracy naukowej, Warszawa 1991, p.683-694
Królewskie zaślubiny, narodziny i chrzest (Royal Marriage, Birth and Baptism), in: Imagines Potestatis, Rytuały, symbole i konteksty fabularne władzy zwierzchniej w Polsce X-XV w. , ed.J.Banaszkiewicz, Warszawa 1994, pp.75-92
Polskie pielgrzymki Jagiellonów (Jagellons’ Pilgrimages) , in: Peregrinationes. Pielgrzymki w kulturze dawnej Europy, ed. H.Manikowska, H.Zarembska, Warszawa 1995, p. 358-375
Uniwersalizm i regionalizm w Rocznikach Jana Długosza (The Universal and Regional Ideas in the Annals by John Długosz) , in: Uniwersalizm i regionalizm w kronikarstwie Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, ed. Urszula Borkowska, Lublin 1996
Duchowość św.Wojciecha na tle środowisk, które ja kształtowały (St Adalbert’s Spirituality at the Background of his Milieus ), - Studia Warmiñskie 30:1993 (ed.1996), p.9-21
Odzyskany modlitewnik Krzysztofa Szydłowieckiego (Christopher Szydłowiecki the 16th century Prayer Book), in : Benedyktyńska praca. Studia historyczne ofiarowane O.Pawłowi Sczanieckiemu ed.J.A.Spież and Z.Wielgosz, Kraków 1997, p.214-124
Anglia w czasach Anzelam (England in the Times of St.Anselm), in: Saint Anselm. Bishop and Thinker, ed. By E.I.Zieliñski, R.Majeran, Lublin 1999, p.15-27
Humanism at the Courts of the Jagiellons, in: Christianity in East Central Europe. Late Middle Ages, ed.J.Kłoczowski, Lublin 1999, pp.147-157
Ordinary and Festive Religious Ceremonial at the Court of the Jagiellons,in: Theatrum ceremoniale  at the Polish Court, ed. M. Markiewicz, R. Skowron, Kraków 1999, pp. 61-85
Church Fundations of the Jagiellons in the light of the “Crown Register”, in:  Fundacje i fundatorzy w średniowieczu i w epoce nowożytnej, red. E.Opaliński, Warszawa 2000, pp. 55-73
Rezydencje Jagiellonów (The Jagiellons’ Residencies) , in:  Rezydencje w średniowieczu i w czasach nowożytnych, red. E.Opaliński, Warszawa 2001, pp. 9-31
Królewscy spowiednicy (Royal Confessors), in: Ludzie, Kościół, Wierzenia ( People, Church , Believes), Warszawa 2001, pp.173-192
The Jagiellonians as Founders of Ecclesiastical Institutions In the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland, in: Die Jagiellonen. Kunst und Kultur einer europaischen Dynastie an der Wende zur Neuzeit,  hersg. D.Popp und R.Suckale, Nurnberg 2002
Edukacja i mecenat artystyczny Władysława Jagiellończyka, króla Czech i Węgier, w: Polacy w Czechach, Czesi w Polsce X-XVIII w. red. H.Gmiterek, W. Iwańczak, Lublin 2004, s.193-208
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