2008-12-01 UTRECHT - Prestige Master Medieval Studies | Drukuj |  E-mail
poniedzia³ek, 15 wrze¶nia 2008

Applications are invited to the


Prestige Master Medieval Studies,

Faculty of Humanities,

Utrecht University (Netherlands)

(deadline: 1 December 2008)

Utrecht University offers students various possibilities for studying medieval history, literature, art, music etc., both at undergraduate (BA) and postgraduate (MA) level. The two-year interdisciplinary 'Research Master' in Medieval Studies has been on offer under the responsibility of the Research Institute for History and Culture of the Faculty of Humanities, since September 2004. The programme has the distinction of having been selected as a 'Prestige Master' by the Board of Utrecht University. Students are selected on their scholarly merits. After having completed the Research Master programme, they will normally aim to write a PhD thesis, either at Utrecht or elsewhere. Seminars and tutorials in the Research Master programme are mainly taught in English; exceptionally, Dutch, German, Italian, French or other languages may also be used.

 Although the student population in the Research Master is truly international, the Board of Utrecht University has expressed the wish to invite more students from abroad into the programme. Collaboration is therefore sought with the leading universities in Medieval Studies in the countries of East and East Central Europe. Measures are being taken to establish scholarships, allowing students from this region to defray the expenses of both tuition and living in the Netherlands during the two-year programme. Simultaneously, the possibility of offering 'joint degrees' is being investigated (i.e. students may spend the first of the two years of the MA programme in Utrecht, after which they will prepare and write their thesis under the joint supervision of a scholar from Utrecht and a colleague from the student's university of origin). Scholarships will be made available for these students as well.


For whom?


The Research Master Medieval Studies is open for outstanding students, interested in all disciplines dealing with the medieval period (history and art history, literary studies, Latin studies, English, French and Celtic studies, musicology, theology and  philosophy). We invite students who:


- possess a BA grade in the 'Bologna system', or

- possess an MA obtained in the old system of five (or four) years' MA studies,


and are considering ultimately to apply for a PhD. Depending on the personal situation of individual students, the Utrecht Research Master Programme in Utrecht can also play a role in PhD projects in the students' universities of origin.


How to apply?


The application procedure consists of two parts:

- submission of the application form to Utrecht University (before 1 December 2008 for those students requiring financial assistance). Suitable candidates will be selected for an interview by telephone.

- submission of an application form for a scholarship (before 1 February 2009)

Attention: these deadlines are not flexible!


Further details of the application procedure, information about financial support and application forms can be found at:

 C> link: Applying from abroad


If you did not found any answer to your question on the website, please contact:

Dr. Anna Adamska anna.adamska[at]


Programme (schedule for the academic year 2009-2010)


First year of the programme:

The academic year at the Utrecht University is divided into four 'blocks', ten-week periods of courses with intervals for exams and the preparation of written papers. Attention: the courses start at the beginning of September!

The choice of courses is made with the assistance of a designated mentor from the academic staff, and can be made in large part with consideration for the personal needs and interests of individual student. Every student is advised and helped by his/her mentor during the whole two years of the Research Master.


The programme of studies within the Prestige Master Medieval Studies contains the following components:


1. Courses providing theoretical background


- Fundamentals of the Humanities: an interdisciplinary course given in the first 'block' of the first year, compulsory for the students in all Research Masters coordinated by the OGC (two classes a week).


- State of the Art in Medieval Studies: an interdisciplinary course given in 'block' two, compulsory for all students in the Research Master Medieval Studies (two classes a week).


2. Technical skills for research


- Research seminars: chosen by the student according to his/her personal needs and interests, they are offered in history, art history (both over two 'blocks'), literary studies and musicology (for one 'block').


- Medieval Written Culture: an advanced course in codicology and palaeography, offered in the block three. Compulsory for all students in the esearch master Medieval Studies. Interested students can continue in block four with an elective specialised research seminar in which the medieval manuscripts of the University Library are investigated.


- Medieval Latin: elective courses are offered on three levels (Medieval Latin I, II and III) depending on the skills of individual students (tested at the beginning of block 1). In block 3 there will also be a tutorial on offer for advanced students. In block four, this is followed by an elective research seminar on editing medieval Latin texts.


3. Other courses and tutorials


There is a rich offering of subjects and disciplines, taught in small groups (1-4 students), answering the needs and interests of individual students. These tutorials can be given in the language most suitable for teachers and students (tutorials have been given in English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and Polish). In case a discipline or subject is not catered for at Utrecht University, there are possibilities to follow courses and tutorials at other universities in the Netherlands (Leiden, Amsterdam, Groningen, and Nijmegen).


Second Year of the Programme


1. Across the border


During 'blocks' one and two of the second year, there is a possibility to develop one's scholarly skills at another university in Western or Central Europe, or in the United States. The choice for a university depends on the student's individual needs and interests. Plans for such a stay should be made already during the first year of the programme, with help of the tutor and of the International Office of the Faculty.


Students who wish to stay at Utrecht make a choice from the tutorials and courses on offer at Utrecht and elsewhere in the Netherlands.


2. Research Master Thesis


During 'blocks' three and four, a student is expected to write a Research Master Thesis under the control of a personally chosen supervisor. Double supervision is possible. The final grade for the thesis is arrived at considering written reports by the supervisor(s) and by an obligatory second reader (preferably from outside the Utrecht University).


Further information


If you have any questions, please consult the website, If you cannot find the answer there, please contact Dr. Anna Adamska (anna.adamska[at]

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